Be knowledgeable about the company you would like to work for. Make an effort to familiarize yourself with everything the company involves itself in and the requirements the job you are competing for can include. It will also be very useful to know the products pr services the company offers as knowing these things will make you feel more confident when you are asked specific questions about the company.
It is absolutely necessary to be carrying an up to date professional resume, documenting all things of interest to your future employer such as past work history and educational achievements.
Eye contact can be very important as this shows that you have confidence in yourself and that you are focused on finding out whether you and this company are right for each other. Show some enthusiasm towards the firm you are trying to work for while also making sure that they understand you are looking for a position that suits you, not just any position at all.
A suit is a must at an serious corporate interview, as this is what you will be wearing most of the time anyway depending on the dress codes of the company. Either way, turning up to an interview in shorts and a t-shirt will not put you in good stead if everyone else is wearing a suit and tie.
Answer questions as fully and honestly as you possibly can, but avoid the temptation to waffle and go over the same points again and again. The interviewer needs to find out what kind of person you are, and would rather hear honest answers rather than you simply trying to make yourself sound perfect.
Listen carefully and answer to questions directly. Make sure you understand a question fully before answering as any miscommunication on that level could definitely impact your chances in the job market.
Your past work history is of great interest to any employer as it shows them just how much you will be able to bring to the table if they do indeed hire you. So come prepared with a detailed overview of your various functions in your last job and be ready to illustrate just how these different experiences will add to your value to the company you are interviewing for.
Moreover you need to ask questions of the interviewer. You need to be sure that the job you are applying for is one that you will both enjoy and be capable at. A man who enjoys his job never works again, or so the saying goes. So make sure you are fully aware of what the job will entail for you and that you are both capable and willing to take on those challenges.
Send a "Thank You" note at no more than 2 days after the interview. Express your interest in the job applied for and thank them for taking the time to speak with you. Leaving a good impression will never hurt and even if you do not end up getting the job, you may build a valuable contact at that company simply through being thoughtful and polite.